It is said that the opposite of fear is love. As long as fear hinders or motivates you, Taking Care Of You will not be a priority in your life.
To me...
Love is secure. Fear is anxious.
Love is accepting. Fear is rejecting.
Love is receptive. Fear is close-minded.
Fear has its place in life, however, it is you who allows it to have the power it does or not have. For the most part, fearless people do know and feel fear. However, they do not give their power over to the fear. Instead, the fear is a catalyst that prompts action.
From Zen Habits:
"When you take action on a problem, it’s not so bad — it’s just a series of steps you need to take to solve the problem. You aren’t paralyzed anymore when you start to take action...The plan will kill the fear. It is taking something that is scary and unknown, and turning it into something concrete, solvable, doable."This is a great post that presented the issue of fears lurking in our mind AND what to do about it. Love that.
It also illustrates the philosophy I believe in. I've begun to recite Leo's words, "The plan will kill the fear", when trying to sell the concept of continuing to move forward, even if fearful, to myself and to others.
In upcoming posts called the "Fearless Living Series", I'll spotlight areas of our life where fear may be holding us back and outline possible plans to use in squelching that fear.
Fear is such a life drainer. Take your power back and experience Taking Care Of You through fearless living.
Until next time...Take Care Of You!
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You're absolutely right; fear does have its place.
Recent blog post: What Are You Hiding From?
You're absolutely right; fear does have its place.
Recent blog post: What Are You Hiding From?
Hayden, thanks for stopping by Hope today is an awesome day!
Recent blog post: Introducing: the Fearless Living Series
Hayden, thanks for stopping by Hope today is an awesome day!
Recent blog post: Introducing: the Fearless Living Series
I so agree, fear can be so debilitating. I often watch those shows where the people are so in debt, and a common factor with those people is that they don't open their bills for fear of how much they they are pushed aside and the debt grows and grows...ever read those series of books "Face the fear and do it anyways"? - there were several, all very good, highly recommend.
I so agree, fear can be so debilitating. I often watch those shows where the people are so in debt, and a common factor with those people is that they don't open their bills for fear of how much they they are pushed aside and the debt grows and grows...ever read those series of books "Face the fear and do it anyways"? - there were several, all very good, highly recommend.
Great topic!!!! So very true! I've lived this fear for a few years. It attacks from all angles: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I think it's 1 instinctive (fight or flight) and 2 the devil's playground (almost any decision made in fear = a bad result). The kids and I are recovering well. (We all still have our moments, but they are now moments and not days as they once were.)
DH not quite as far along that path yet. I'm sensing a growing realization and level of acceptance to our new reality. He's recently spoken very reassuring glimmers of hope. Healing from a life encapsulated by fear can be an arduous process. But it's more than necessary, without it one is only a survivor. We'd rather be living our full lives and not just surviving our time here on earth!
Great topic!!!! So very true! I've lived this fear for a few years. It attacks from all angles: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I think it's 1 instinctive (fight or flight) and 2 the devil's playground (almost any decision made in fear = a bad result). The kids and I are recovering well. (We all still have our moments, but they are now moments and not days as they once were.)
DH not quite as far along that path yet. I'm sensing a growing realization and level of acceptance to our new reality. He's recently spoken very reassuring glimmers of hope. Healing from a life encapsulated by fear can be an arduous process. But it's more than necessary, without it one is only a survivor. We'd rather be living our full lives and not just surviving our time here on earth!
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