What are your thoughts on this topic? Leave a comment and let us know!Since I've got nothing worth saying right now to inspire you to grow your inner awareness, I thought I'd share Karen Bell's awesome insight with you. Karen, or "KB" as she is known, posts blog entries on her blog, Words of Wisdom for Inner Peace, and video posts on her YouTube channel.
On the blog, KB's "words of wisdom enable her readers to resolve difficulties from the past, define their highest purpose, and motivate them on the path of success". Her video blogs "help others realize the power of thought so they can live more fulfilling lives".
I enjoy reading and watching KB's work as she inspires me to remember that there is more to life than meets the eye. I'm reminded that we all have influence on those around us and it's my belief that I want to be a positive influence.
Here are a few of my favorite blog and video posts.
Make a Not-to-Do List
There Are No "Failed Relationships"
The Power of Focus
The Evolution of Consciousness
What You Are
From the list of video blogs currently available, The Force and How Thought Affects Your Body are my favorites.
You can also see the personal side of her as well by following KB on Twitter.
If you post a comment on the blog or send her a tweet to say hello, please let KB know that Suzanne over at TCOYou.com says "hello" as well!
Until next time...Take Care Of You!
Photo Credit: Heart Spotlight
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